We know you won’t like hearing this. But it’s you, not the exercise!

Exercise does nothing but try to improve you as a person, yet all it gets in return is anger, tantrums, and the occasional tear.

But don’t worry – The Turmeric Co is here to help. Our community has come up with so many ways of making exercise enjoyable. All you need to do is follow these 6 simple steps to a better relationship with exercise, then you and your exercise routine will live together in perfect harmony!


  • Set achievable goals

Too many people set their sights to high, fixated on the goal rather than the destination.

Then after say a month of work and understandably falling short, it all gets too overwhelming and bang, just like that the workout is binned.

What if your original goal was much smaller though? Then, after a month of hard work that figure was pushing a much more encouraging 50% or so, you’re going to feel much better about yourself and your exercise.


  • Set a schedule

It’s time to force the habit. If you don’t schedule your exercise, it makes it that much easier to overlook. So, block out the time and make it part of your daily routine.

Note your morning runs or gym visits on your calendar and make it a conscious effort to ignore. This is a much clearer way to see why you’re not achieving your goals.


  • Tell your family and friends

Nobody wants to look like a failure!

As soon as you’ve told your family and friends your short and long term goals, some healthy pressure will set in!

Family and close friends will want the best for you and might even encourage you! They’ll be brutally honest though, so if you’ve not been at it, they might question your progress!


  • Start from home

If you’re nervous about joining the gym and being judged on your weight or lack of strength, start with home workouts.

By losing even the smallest amount of weight or beginning that muscle toning process from your living room or garden, you’ll build the confidence to burst through those gym doors to show everybody what you can do in no time.

We all have to start somewhere and there’s an incredibly supportive world of fitness out there to help drive you on.


  • Mix it up

Sticking to the same exercise routine is boring. It doesn’t matter how much you love it to begin with, it will become stagnant.

Try something new – a fresh workout routine. A new sport or activity. This can also help you train new muscle groups and exercise different parts of the body that may have been a little neglected before.


  • Change your diet

If your diet isn’t great, then it’s likely your exercise routine isn’t, either.

If your body isn’t getting the fuel it needs to power your exercise routine, you’re wasting time. Not completely wasting it, but certainly not making the most of it!

If you already have a healthy, varied diet, keep it up. If not, get those superfoods in. Get some greens on that plate. Scribble those pastries off the shopping list!

If you need a tasty place to start, give The Turmeric Co’s Turmeric Shots a try. They’re proven to improve your immune system and give you that boost of energy your exercise routine needs from you.

Thomas Robson-Kanu

The Hal Robson-Kanu Guide To Fitness & Nutrition

Gain exclusive insight into habits that will make every day a healthy and fulfilling one.